Saturday, April 7, 2012

Seasonal offerings

When I travel, I love to visit historical sites, such as old churches as well as art galleries and museums. Not all places allow photographs to be taken, and I certainly can't take a picture of everything, but I do try to capture a few that interest me.  I had to do a bit of research to discover some of the background to these works of Christian art from the Medieval period as I didn't take notes at the time.  It is interesting that both of these pieces were created within only a few years of each other, but they are by artists from different countries and are also housed in galleries far from the other.

German Lamention (1510)
Glasgow, Scotland. The Burrell Collection

Lamentation over the Dead Christ (ca. 1509).
by Andrea Solari (1460–1522)
Paris, France. The Louvre

This next picture was taken by my husband on our recent trip to Mexico.  I was unable to discover any details about this particular work. 

Wrought iron artwork in doorway (ca. early C20th)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Since I can't bear to see anyone so sad, it brought to mind this famous Negro spiritual which has been rediscovered since Bruce Springsteen covered it.  I realize it's not about Mary, the mother of Jesus - but it still works, if you can ignore that fact!

performed by Bruce Springsteen

May you have a joyful Easter season!


Faboamanto said...

Happy Easter!

How beautiful the Virgin of Guadalupe doorway, thank you for that. Hope you and your family are having a wonderful Easter weekend.

Phylly3 said...

Thank you Fabo, and Happy Easter to you and yours!

MaryKwizMiz said...

Happy Easter to you .. thanks for the offerings.. you'll have some too, soon :D

Phylly3 said...

You are welcome! Love your new name - and I can't wait to see what you have to offer! :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Hope your Easter was filled with blessings and chocolate!


Phylly3 said...

LOL! Thanks tyme4t, I had a lovely Easter weekend, I hope you did too. ;)